Booking info

Booking infos

  • Bill payment options
    The hotel bill can be paid by credit card (EC, Visa, Mastercard) or in cash. The maximum limit for cash payments within Italy is € 4,999.99.
  • Bank details
    Raiffeisenkasse Parcines / Rablà branch
    Hotel Rablanderhof
    IBAN: IT 74 U 08175 58691 000301008251
  • Cancellation conditions according to Article 1382 Swiss Civil Code (ZGB)
    According to the Italian consumer protection code, there is no right of cancellation from a completed booking. Nevertheless, we grant you a right of withdrawal under the following cancellation conditions:

    • Up to 21 days before arrival: free cancellation
    • Within 20 – 4 days before arrival: Charging of 70% of the total price
    • Within 3 days before arrival or earlier departure: Charging of 100% of the total price
  • Cancellation
    In the course of your booking, we recommend taking out travel cancellation insurance in order to be well protected in the event of an accident.
    Cancellation insurance